- 走出實驗室就沒有高科技,只有執行的紀律 (High-tech only exists inside the cocoon of the lab. Outside the lab,there is only executive discipline.)
- 在今天的世界,沒有「大」的打敗「小」的,只有「快」的打敗「慢」的。(In today's world, size no longer matters, Rather, it's speed that does.)
- 公司要「快速」成長,一定要有「製造產品」和「製造人才」的雙重能力。(For a corporation to grow rapidly, it needs two kinds of manufacturing capabilities: the manufacturing of products, and the manufacturing of professional talents.)
- 除非太陽不再升起,否則不能不達到目標。(Unless the sun ceases to rise, there are no aspirations that cannot be realized.)
- 策略:方向、時機、程度。(Strategy: direction, timing, depth.)
- 贏家永遠有兩個競爭者:一是時間、一是自己。(Winners have two perpetual competitors: time and themselves.)
- 鴻海四大「快」:
- 決策、執行、稽核的快速能力;
- 研發、製造、服務的快速能力;
- 溝通、協作、競爭的快速能力;
- 軟硬虚實、相互為用的快速能力。
- (The 4 S's of Foxconn:
- Speed of decision - making, execution, and auditing;
- Speed of R&D, manufacturing, and service;
- Speed of communication, collaboration, and competition;
- Speed of cross - utilizing delicate and hard facts.)
- 所謂領導,就是決策,就是獨裁為公,就是一場實驗和實踐的戰爭。(Leadership is being decisive. Leadership is a righteous dictatorship. Leadership is a battle between experimenting and practicality.)
- 我不知道什麼是所謂「成功的領導」,但我知道什麼是「不成功的領導」,就是:
- 不身先士卒的領導;
- 遇事推諉的領導;
- 希望討好每個人的領導;
- 朝九晚五的領導;
- 賞罰不分的領導。
- (I don't know what forges a good leader, but I do know what constitutes a bad one:
- one who puts his employees in the frontline rather than himself;
- one who relegates responsibilities;
- one who tries to please everyone;
- one who only works from nine to five;
- one who neither punishes nor rewards.
- 所謂「執行力」,就是速度、準度、精度的全面貫徹。(Execution is the integration of speed, accuracy, and precision.)
- 贏的經營策略:即時開發;即時量產;即時交貨。(Recipe for a winning operation strategy: time to market, time to volume, and time to money.)
- 翻轉產業的,不是「人海」,而是「腦海」。(It's brain mass, not people mass, that transforms an industry.)
- 科技公司能不能在市場上成功,其實不在「科」的發展,而在「技」的發展。(Whether or not a sci-tech company can succeed is not gated by its "scientific" prowess. Rather, it is determined by the advancement of its "technology".)
- 經驗=時間+金錢。(Experience = time + money)
- 成長,你的名字就叫痛苦。(Suffering is the identical twin of growth.)
- 成功的途徑:1. 抄; 2. 研究; 3. 創造; 4. 發明。(The path to success: 1. imitation; 2. research; 3. creation; 4. invention.)
- 「三局」就是格局、布局、步局。(Scope, vision, execution)
- 少林寺的和尚武功千變萬化,飛簷走壁,是過去挑了多少桶水上山?(The kung-fu masters of Shoalin Temple only attain their omnipotent skills after years of tedious, grueling, and mundane training.)
- 胸懷千萬里,心思細如絲。(Think big, but don't lose sight of details.)
- 人過了五十歲,不但要懂得踩油門,更要懂得踩煞車。(When you're over 50, you not only need to know when to press the gas pedal, more importantly, you need to know when step on the brakes.)
- 速度快的人賺錢,速度慢的人賣庫存,而且,還是Top Sales才能把庫存賣出去。(He who acts the swiftest makes the most money. He who acts slowly can only resolve the sell inventories. Moreover, it's only the Top Sales who are capable of depleting inventories.)
- 不要只從數字看問題,要會從結構看問題。(Don't analyze a problem by the numbers. Lean to dissect it from its structure.)
- 企業人生三部曲:人材,人才,人財。(Life story of a corporation: raw recruits, skilled talents, and talent cultivation.)
- 心胸有多大,舞台就有多大。(Your potential is only limited by your aspirations.)